Can of Worms Enterprises facilitates the production of great creative projects across a broad range of media.
Founded in 2000, Can of Worms has won numerous awards for its books, kudos for its kids’ workshops and plaudits for its plays. Can of Worms is now branching out into film.
Can of Worms takes on projects which in general have the common good as a central purpose to the project. And in 2021 started a collaboration with New York-based publisher Leapfrog Press and their Leapfrog Global Fiction Prize, publishing the winner's titles in the UK.
In print, Can of Worms has had recent success with Adeem Younis's autobiography, Small Change BIG DIFFERENCE, The Penny Appeal Story, which reached Number 8 on The Bookseller Independent Publisher Bestseller list. Can of Worms has won a variety of awards for its books: most recently Shores Beyond Shores: From Holocaust to Hope, Irene Butter's moving memoir about her survival through the holocaust and time in Bergen-Belsen was a finalist in the National Jewish Book Award. The Mission:Explore series of books for children have won the following: National Trust/Daily Telegraph Outdoor Book of the Year, GEOvation Award winner, was runner-up for the Society of Authors Education Writer of the Year. The series has also won accolades from Pink Stinks for its balanced portrayal of boys and girls from different backgrounds. The National Geographic reviews the series as “Cool, exciting and just plain fun!”
The Borough Market Cookbook was Sheila Dillon’s pick for the Radio 4 Food Programme’s Cookbook of the Year. The book is the result of a wonderful collaboration of devotees of the market celebrating food and cooking. 101 plus recipes cover canapes, starters, main courses and signature dishes sourced from the producers and traders who are relentlessly passionate about their livestock and livelihood and for whom provenance is paramount.
Can of Worms also publishes Roger Bachelor’s history of the yards: The Pullens Story: 1879-Present Day and George Nicholson’s beautiful collection of photographs of makers from the Yards in the 1980s, Made in Southwark.
In 2016, Can of Worms produced its first stage play: Charlie Chaplin: Tonight at the Museum written by Gillian Plowman and directed by Pamela Howard, OBE, and put on at The Cinema Museum (the former Lambeth Workhouse – home to Charlie in his early life.
Can of Worms has embarked upon its first feature film project: REVolution, a feature based upon true events in 1958 Havana, Cuba. And currently has two books optioned to filmmakers.

Tobias Steed
Sarah Allen-Sutter
Mary Bisbee-Beek
Nicole Schroeder
Olaf "Ollie"
Managing Director
Publishing Assistant
North American Agent
Managing Editor
Well-Being Assistant

Open up a Can of Worms below
Can of Worms Enterprises
Arts and Media Producer
7 Peacock Yard, Iliffe St
London, SE17 3LH
United Kingdom